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SDDs and VTrees

Learn how to use Sentential Decision Diagrams and create a corresponding VTree.

Concept: Sentential Decision Diagrams

We'll now explore a different knowledge representation: Sentential Decision Diagrams (SDDs). SDDs were first introduced by the Automated Reasoning Group at UCLA, specifically in "SDD: A New Canonical Representation of Propositional Knowledge Bases." (Darwiche, 2011). In summary, they are a relaxation on some of the properties of ROBDDs.

ROBDDs require a variable ordering for their canonicity property. SDDs have an equivalent datastructure, called a "vtree".

How do SDDs work?

This section is coming soon!

How do vtrees work?

This section is coming soon!

Picking a VTree

RSDD has support for basic vtree types (such as "right-linear", which picks the variables in-order and always has the left child as a variable), as well as heuristics to pick a good vtree for a target CNF.

Let's write a new compile_as_sdd function; similar to the BDD version, we'll first pick a vtree before generating the SDD. For simplicity's sake, we'll compare a right-linear vtree (identical to a BDD), and a left-linear vtree (very unoptimal, often considered the "worst-case").

use rsdd::repr::{vtree::VTree, var_label::VarLabel};

fn compile_as_sdd(cnf: &Cnf) {
let order: Vec<VarLabel> = (0..cnf.num_vars())
.map(|x| VarLabel::new(x as u64))

let rl_vtree = VTree::right_linear(&order);
let ll_vtree = VTree::left_linear(&order);

As we'll see in the next section, the choice of vtree matters quite a bit!

Creating an SddPtr with a SddManager

Similar to the BDD case, we will use a builder to do most of the work in generating SDDs and applying operations on them. In particular, the trait for SddPtrs is the SddBuilder.

The CompressionSddManager is the "default" implementation for the SddBuilder trait; it preserves canonicity of SDDs via "compression", a concept introduced in Darwiche's 2011 paper. Using the manager is very straightforward:

use rsdd::{sdd_builder::{CompressionSddManager, SddBuilder}};

fn compile_as_sdd_with_vtree(cnf: &Cnf, vtree: VTree) {
let man = CompressionSddManager::new(vtree);
let sdd = man.from_cnf(cnf);

println!("# nodes: {}", sdd.num_child_nodes())

Now, let's use our function in compile_as_sdd:

fn compile_as_sdd(cnf: &Cnf) {
let order: Vec<VarLabel> = (0..cnf.num_vars())
.map(|x| VarLabel::new(x as u64))

let rl_vtree = VTree::right_linear(&order);
let ll_vtree = VTree::left_linear(&order);

compile_as_sdd_with_vtree(cnf, rl_vtree);
compile_as_sdd_with_vtree(cnf, ll_vtree);

And finally, use it in our main function:

fn main() {
// ...

Observe what happens when we run our comparison:

$ cargo run example.cnf
# nodes: 41
# nodes: 151

Wow! The right-linear vtree produced a significantly smaller SDD than the left-linear one.

Visualization: Comparing VTrees

Curious about how different vtrees affect the final SDD? Compare them side-by-side for the same CNF!
